
Does cholesterol give out warning signs? Here’s what happens | Health and Wellness News

How do you know that cholesterol, the fatty substance in your bloodstream that builds up plaque in your heart arteries, is going up? Truth be told, there are no warning signs of a build-up. That’s why cholesterol is called a hidden risk factor of heart disease and detectable in a blood test. However, if you have co-morbidities like diabetes or obesity, then certain changes may be observed in those affected in this group.

Fatty cluster around eyes

Often you have yellow cholesterol deposits in the inner folds of your upper eyelids, clustering around the nose bridge. These are called xanthelasma and can also be caused by hypothyroidism or a liver condition. Your hands might also be affected, with lumps appearing on your knuckles or on the Achilles tendon. Such deposits do not affect your functionality but could indicate the following:

You have high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or bad cholesterol
You have low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol
You have high levels of total cholesterol (both LDL and HDL)
You have high levels of triglycerides
You can get them removed with surgical scraping but then they return if your cholesterol levels continue to be high.

Watch out for these signs in the eyes

Patients with high cholesterol might also display a corneal arcus or a pale white ring around the coloured part of the eye or the iris. However, it doesn’t interrupt your vision and there’s no specific cure. It’s not a problem if you develop it in your 50s and 60s.

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Painful ache in legs

High cholesterol can lead to a condition called peripheral arterial disease (PAD), where cholesterol deposits in leg arteries obstruct blood flow to the leg muscles, resulting in pain. Sometimes, you could also experience numbness or weakness and change in skin colour of your legs.

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Do skin patches mean anything?

Sometimes one may develop greyish skin patches on the skin but that can also overlap with certain other conditions like low platelets. Cholesterol can block tiny blood vessels or capillaries that can cause the surface of the skin to change colour, even trigger ulcerous spots.

When should we get tested for cholesterol?

Given that Indians are prone to developing heart conditions a decade earlier than other populations, begin testing from age 20 onwards and keep a watch on the cholesterol buildup tendency. Anybody who has a family history of heart disease or diabetes should get themselves tested to prevent sudden deaths. People who are diabetic and have abdominal bellies are prone to high triglycerides and high cholesterol. Do get tested for thyroid gland dysfunction as that also gives rise to high cholesterol.

Time to change diet, give up fast foods

If diagnosed with cholesterol, then it is important to focus on a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, multigrain, lean protein, low oil and fish. Avoid seafood and meats altogether. Rely on plant proteins more and fibre.

Remember that shifting to a cholesterol-lowering diet and maintaining it keeps you away from life-long medication. It is not about what you cannot eat but the thousands of other things you can eat. Once you open up to new textures and flavours, making the diet switch is easy.

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As for exercise, weight lifting or static exercises won’t help. Choose strength training and cardio exercises like running, swimming, or cycling. Sleep and rest adequately.

(Dr Bhagwat is interventional cardiologist, Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai)


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