Free download Amount to in word Converter in Excel Tools
This Excel Tolls mainly valuable for those, who are working in Accounts and where frequently need the Amount to in word manually typing in Computer.
Hope this Utility can help and reduce the time and errors of the spelling of in word typing.
Insert your Mail Id given Mail Alert and Register your Email Id and go to your mail account and activate the Feed Burner mail Alert and Get you A Link for Download the Excel Tools which will convert Amount into the In-Words
You can use this Excel Tools for 2003 & 2007 & 2010 Users
Instruction for installation.
1. Save it in a Folder permanently. (do not change the location of the file after installation)
2. Now open excel Go to Tools>add ins >browse (browse the file where you have or stored the downloaded the file and select the file>Ok. [ For 2003 Users]
For 2007 & 2010 Users – Go to File>Open>Excel Option>Add-ins>Manage Excel Add-in>Go>Browse where you have stored the downloaded file and select the file>OK
Form 2010 Users – Same as 2007.
Mind it that, you must enable the Analyses tool pack before installing these tools.
then press ok
that’s all
Just type the Formula in below given in formula bar
=word(Cell No) (cell number in which figure are given)
It will be done
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